Wednesday, March 27, 2013


I love chocolate!!! Who doesn't?! Well, since i love chocolate, i usually have one nearby. I usually keep my chocolate in my pillow (inside the pillow case), so that i could reach it easily.

I think i started this habit since i was in secondary school. It was a boarding school, so we don't have access to a fridge. In order to keep our chocolate from melting, we just put in in the pillow case since it's quite low in temperature. Our chocolate usually deformed but still doesn't melt.

I remember that my friend usually search my stock of chocolates. I even put them under the mattress if they don't fit on the pillow case. I still have this habit of putting chocolate in the pillow case until now eventhough i have easy access to the fridge.

Just now, my mother who is sleeping at my sister's house (help looking after my niece and nephews since my sister is working outstation in china) was asking me what is the thing she found the pillow case. I said nothing since i forgot the existence of my chocolate there. I only remembered when my mom said it was a bar of chocolate, huhu..

ps: my mom asked why did i put it there and answer was habit, convenient and easy to reach. :)

Sunday, March 24, 2013

it's cooking time!!!

blueberry pudding & onigiri
finally, my cooking programs with my beloved nieces and nephews are done! i started it yesterday morning around 10.30am. the first programs was with abang ain's and kak ani's children. they are living in sungai merab, kajang and it took only around 15 minutes from my place to theirs.

before i went there, i got a phone call from my other brother, abang ijan asking me about my cooking program. he gave me a good news saying that he will take his children to abang ain's house since after that, he and his family want to go back to segamat. by doing that, i didn't have to go all the way to their house in shah alam. save me time and money.

so, my first menu with nabilah, hazwan and farisah is blueberry pudding. i got the recipe from a book i bought during the big bad wolf aftermath sale. actually, the recipe is for cherry. but since i couldn't find any fresh cherries around, i switched it to blueberries. the cameraman is none other than my first and oldest nephew, haziq who are home for the school holiday. i didn't include haziq and hazim because they are already teenagers.

the whole thing went on smoothly. haziq is quite good at recording us. right now, i'm still editing the videos and when i'm done, i think i gonna put it on youtube. almost 2/3 of the blueberry pudding is eaten within 10 minutes time. i'm glad and happy that the pudding turned out fine.

abang ijan told me that he will come around 2pm. with izz and areef, we're gonna make onigiri. kak intan was the one that suggested it and i agreed instantly because onigiri is one of my favourite food. while waiting for the, i went out to buy salmon fillets and seaweed. i had to go to jusco equine in order to buy the seaweed since i couldn't find it at alamanda.

for the onigiri, we only started recording while shaping the rice into rice balls. before that, kak intan fried the salmon fillets with a little bit of salt. i cooked the rice. then, kak intan mixed the salmon and the rice. izz and areef were given the job to shape the onigiri.

unfortunately, the rice wasn't cooperating well with us since it wasn't very 'starchy.' everytime we try to shape it, it will break! so, we just wrap it around the seaweed. eventhough we didn't manage to get the result we wanted, it tasted so good and finished in an instant.

apple flan & kek batik
around 6pm, i moved to the third place for my program, that is to kak ala and abang samad's house. they live in putrajaya as well. i had to wait for the kids since the whole family went for a movie at alamanda. they watched oz. i plan to make apple flan with safia, syaira and shafi. this recipe is also found in a french recipe book i bought a long time ago.

in my opinion, this is the hardest recipe among the four i chose. they are a lots of thing need to be done. but the children are so excited about it that they went through all the complicated processes happily and enthusiastically. the apple flan was finally done after almost two hours of waiting!

before this, i don't really know the different between apple flan and apple pie. but, after having the experience in making both, i finally realized the flan taste more like an egg tart and apple pie, well apple pie taste like a pie. i made apple pie during eiduladha a couple of years ago.

i arrived home at about 11pm. just as i entered, a very excited danish said,'mak su, let's make cake!' i was very tired and told him that we will make one tomorrow a.k.a today. this morning, both yasmin and danish waited patiently for me. when i called their names from the kitchen, they rushed immediately. putri was our camerawoman for this one.

as you guys all know that kek batik is one of the simplest and easiest cake to make plus it is the delicious. we finished making it in maybe less than 30 minutes time. but still, we had to put in into the fridge. danish keep asking, when can we eat the cake. and when it's finally time, both danish and yasmin said that it is delicious.

i already applied for my unpaid leave. it will start on 1st of april until the 14th. it is still not approved by the human resource department. but approved or not approved, i am still gonna take the leave anyway. i have an deadline to catch, 29/04! hopefully, it will be approved otherwise i have to take out my yearly leave. ok folks, that's all for now! gonna be very busy this couple of weeks. please pray for me in finishing my final project. thank you very much, until later...

Saturday, March 23, 2013

hanami dango

since i've started this final project of mine, i've been going through recipes in books, magazines, online, newspapers and many more. like my previous entry, i meant to make a cooking show starring the little chefs, non other than my nieces and nephews. i'll always make sure that i choose the easiest and simplest one for them and for me as well. 

this is my own little project, making a famous japanese dessert, dango. if you watched the program 'hana yori dango', you'll have a clear view of what dango is. when i was in japan a few years back, dango is one of my favourite food. it's delicious. so, when i found a simple recipe in 'Food & Travel'  march 2013 edition magazine, i want to try to do it myself. so earlier today, i bought all the ingredients needed for my cooking show program.

Hanami Dango

80g kusamochi (non-glutinous rice flour, tepung beras)
80g mochi flour (glutinous rice flour, tepung pulut)
80g potato starch
225g sugar
250ml water
a dash of red food colouring
1 tsp matcha (green tea) powder
1 tsp vanilla extract (optional)
10 x 15cm skewers for serving

  1. Put together kusamochi, mochi flour, potato starch, sugar and water in a bowl. Mix until smooth and divide it into three (same amount) portions.
  2. For the white dango, heat one portion on low, constantly stirring until it form a solid mass. Set aside.
  3. As for the green dango, repeat step 1 but this time add the matcha powder. Repeat step 2.
  4. For the pink dango, add the vanilla extract and food coloring while doing step 1 and again repeat step 2.
  5. After all the dough has cooled, knead each portion seperately and roll into small size balls and thread .it onto the skewers
  6. Bring water to a boil in a steamer basket. Place the skewers on a lightly oiled plate, 1.5cm apart. Steam on high heat for 10-12 minutes until firm and springy. Cool before eating,

in my case, i forgot to buy the red food coloring and i have to improvise by using strawberry jam and orange juice. overall, i managed to made the dango eventhough it's a little bit to sweet for my taste. next time i'm making it, i'm gonna cut it short on the sugar!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

my thought of the day

Funny when we like/love/support something or someone, we turn a blind eye to its fault eventhough it was gigantic and we would always find it good quality even it was as small as an atomic particle! But when we dislike/hate/unsupportive on the matter, we couldn't seem to notice the good quality even it is very crystal clear to others and keep digging diligently to find its fault. And when we do find the fault somehow (we always will, believe me), we managed to turn that tiny speck of fault into a supermassive black hole! Just my thought for the day...

Monday, March 11, 2013


so many serious issues lately.. with elections, lahad datu, missing children (syndicate), maids abusing children under care and many more. i prefer to keep my comments regarding this issues to myself in order to avoid conflict, huhu.. but, when among my friends i let my opinions flow freely as ralph waldo emerson said, 'a friend is a person whom i maybe sincere. before him, i may think aloud.' furthermore, being judged by the people that knows you is very different from being judged by the people who doesn't know you well.

right now. i'm in my own dilemma. should i apply for unpaid leave or shouldn't i? why do i want to apply for this leave is non other than to finish my final project that had been on hold for more that a year, huhu... my main reason for applying this leave is because i want to do it at kampung. less distraction compared when i'm here in putrajaya. i applied for the same leave last year but i couldn't do anything since i was sick for the whole two weeks. so, i'm hoping for the best this time around.. in shaa Allah..

Sunday, March 3, 2013

PRESSTiJ Bowling Challenge 2013

yesterday, our secondary school alumni otherwise known as PRESSTiJ held a bowling tournament at arl powerbowl alamanda. three of our batchmates played quite a role in ensuring that the tournament is a success. we had our first meeting in early february. there we discussed all the crucial things that need to be done; the fees, rules, registrations, prizes etc. ms a and me were to handle the registration and the booklet. the other batchmate, ateng handle the banner, bunting and photography.

join PRESSTiJ today!

at first, the participation is quite slow but managed to build up the last moment. we booked all 26 lanes. we also opened  counter for PRESSTiJ member registration. the fees for new registration is RM20 and the yearly fee is also RM20. for those who want to become a lifetime member, fee is RM300. all that registered that day got the chance to enter the lucky draw slot. our registration opened at 8.30am and opening ceremony is done by our PRESSTiJ member of batch 76, dato' dr ruslan. the game started on 10am.

dato' dr ruslan striked the opening throw

we had a lot of fun that day, eventhough we didn't participate in the game. we made a lot of new friends from senior to junior batches that day. although the numbers of people attending this event is less compared to last year PRESSTiJ futsal challenge, it's still 'happenning!' we were also quite busy that day taking care of the stuffs need to be taken care of. our batch managed to send one team only. the amazing thing is, all the players for our batch is imported from johor except for fadhil.

the game finished at about 1pm and the results are shown below:




as can be seen in the result shown, our team 99ners is only 10 points away from the fifth place team. prizes are given to team no 1 - no 5. prizes for individual are given to first to third place and our batchmate, fakhrul is only 3 points away from the third place.after everything is settled, we the committee members joined our players for lunch at 'rasamas' and lunch is on najib. done with lunch, we headed for karaoke to sing our heart out!

99ners committee members
having fun