Friday, December 28, 2012

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

show your love before it's too late...

Source: Sheikh Khalid Yasin Facebook status

"After 21 years of marriage, my wife wanted me to take another woman out to dinner and a movie. She said, “I love you, but I know this other woman loves you and would love to spend some time with you.”

The other woman that my wife wanted me to visit was my MOTHER, who has been a widow for 19 years, but the demands of my work and my three children had made it possible to visit her only occasionally.

That night I called to invite her to go out for dinner and a movie. “What’s wrong, are you well?” she asked.

My mother is the type of woman who suspects that a late night call or a surprise invitation is a sign of bad news. “I thought that it would be pleasant to spend some time with you,” I responded. “Just the two of us.” She thought about it for a moment, and then said, “I would like that very much.”

That Friday after work, as I drove over to pick her up I was a bit nervous. When I arrived at her house, I noticed that she, too, seemed to be nervous about our date. She waited in the door with her coat on. She was wearing the dress that she had worn to celebrate her last wedding anniversary. She smiled from a face that was as radiant as an angel’s. “I told my friends that I was going to go out with my son, and they were impressed, “she said, as she got into the car. “They can’t wait to hear about our meeting.”

We went to a restaurant that, although not elegant, was very nice and cozy. My mother took my arm as if she were the First Lady. After we sat down, I had to read the menu. Her eyes could only read large print. Half way through the entries, I lifted my eyes and saw Mom sitting there staring at me. A nostalgic smile was on her lips. “It was I who used to have to read the menu when you were small,” she said. “Then it’s time that you relax and let me return the favor,” I responded.

During the dinner, we had an agreeable conversation – nothing extraordinary but catching up on recent events of each other’s life. We talked so much that we missed the movie. As we arrived at her house later, she said, “I’ll go out with you again, but only if you let me invite you.” I agreed.

“How was your dinner date?” asked my wife when I got home. “Very nice. Much more so than I could have imagined,” I answered.

A few days later, my mother died of a massive heart attack. It happened so suddenly that I didn’t have a chance to do anything for her. Some time later, I received an envelope with a copy of a restaurant receipt from the same place mother and I had dined. An attached note said: “I paid this bill in advance. I wasn’t sure that I could be there; but nevertheless, I paid for two plates – one for you and the other for your wife. You will never know what that night meant for me. I love you, son.”

At that moment, I understood the importance of saying in time: “I LOVE YOU” and to give our loved ones the time that they deserve. Nothing in life is more important than your family. Give them the time they deserve, because these things cannot be put off till “some other time.”

May Allah (SWT) bless our mothers and fathers, Ameen!

ps: i immediately called my mom after reading this. if i haven't mentioned before, i'm the type of person that rarely call or text another. i'll only do it if it's really important. i'm also ashamed to admit that i'm not the type of daughter that call her parents frequently. it's usually my parents, my mother most of the time that call me. if they didn't call me, maybe i only call them once every two weeks.

reading this article also made me realize that our parents are not always gonna be around. sooner or later, they will have to go. maybe, if we are lucky, we left them first. we always heard the phrase that children should not die before their parents do. it's just not the way to go. but 'ajal' is in the hand of Allah. it's not for us to choose who will die first.

all these times, i always hope that i'll be in the situation where i die before my parents do. reason, i couldn't bear the feeling of losing them. at least, if i die first my parents would still have four other children to accompany them. four who are much better and much greater than me. then again. it's all already written on the 'luh mahfuz.' we couldn't change it.

seeing that i'm the youngest child and that i'm already 30 years old, it would only be logic that my parents are old. my mom is 68 years old while my dad is one year younger. i could see that they're not strong and agile as they used to be. every night, before sleep, i think about what my life would be without my parents to advise me, to listen to my babbling, to help me when i needed help, to scold me when i'm in the wrong, to console me when i'm sad, to praise me when i deserved it and many more. still at the age of 30, i still depend on my parents like when i was three with on a slight different. they don't have to change my nappy, hehe...

i know i'm not a good child and further from being perfect. i fight with my parents, i ignore and heed their advices, to sum it up i drive them crazy! still, i'm hoping that in their eyes, they're proud of me with all my flaws and all. so mak and abah, if by any chances you guys come to read this, know that i love you both with all my heart eventhough most of the time my actions and words contradict it all. i brought both of you to a life roller coaster ride especially ever since i've been diagnosised with bipolar, the most challenging episode in my life. honest be told, wihout your support i don;t think i'm where i'm now. you both are my pillars and my rocks! love you so very much and sorry for everything as well...

Sunday, December 23, 2012

crazy about books.. and reading them, of course..

see.. see.. see what happened everytime the big bad wolf came to town! let's just say, i'm crazy about it! this is the opportunity to buy books at 75 - 95% less than the usual price. please compared my purchases from 2011 (left) and 2012 (right). the amount is getting larger and the genres are different. in 2011, i bought lots of romance books. but since i had no mood for romance lately, reading them of course, not romance in real life if you know what i mean, i bought more books based on humor, self help, young adult and picture books i really hope that i could finish them all before next big bad wolf invasion! long live the big bad wolf!

Saturday, December 8, 2012

rocking vacation in cameron highlands

29/11/2012 (Thursday)

3 as 1 once again
salam.. finally, the most anticipated vacation of all is already done. it started with the arrival of miss awed on 29/11/2012. that day, i took half day off and miss A applied for leave. after picking up miss A, we went directly to TBS to pick miss awed she arrived from kota tinggi at about 3pm. then, we drove to ioi mall puchong for luncheon at seoul garden and movie date, breaking dawn part II. done with date, we met my mother at my sister's house and went back to my other sister house, the one i'm staying with. we slept and planned to start early tomorrow.

30/11/2012 (Friday)

the journey begins
we started a little bit late than planned. we planned to start our journey at about 9am, but it was delayed for about an hour due to waking up late that day. we went to cold storage alamanda first to get a bottle of whipped cream. we already bought a bottle of hershey chocolate syrup the night before. both of course, to be eaten with the strawberries we going to pick. we had brunch at R&R tapah (north bound). we exited at simpang pulai since the roads are better there compared when exiting at tapah.
self made strawberry crepes
we arrived at the hotel at about 4pm. we checked in, we rested for awhile before continuing to our next agenda, food! we had an early dinner. done with dinner, we went to brinchang night market which only 5 minutes walk from our hotel. we didn't buy anything that night. we just surveyed the stuffs, prices and all so that we could buy them tomorrow night. we did bought two boxes of strawberries though along with sweet corns. fresher things tend to taste so much better. done for the night, we walked back to our hotel and called it the night (after done eating the foods we bought).

oh, i almost forgot about an unexpected event that turned up this night. while browsing through the market, we saw a little boy about 2 - 3 years old that was crying. since, awed and i are fond of children, we smiled at the boy and asked him why he was crying. we were expecting the boy's guardian will pick him up and soothe  him. after a couple of couple, we noticed that the boy was wandering alone with no adults around him.the three of us was a bit of clueless of what to do next.

the first thought that came to our mind was sending the boy to the nearest police station if no one turned up to pick the boy. i hold the boy's hand and try to coax him into walking so we could find his guardians together. but when he wouldn't nudge a bit, i carried him instead. we planned to break into two groups. the boy and me would stand at the location we found him, while awed and miss A walked around to look up for any frantic people looking for their lost child.

but, not long after we made the decision, a woman came with another little child in tow saw us and the boy and recognized him as his nephew. when the aunt tried to pick the lost boy from me, the boy clings to me and wouldn't let go. so we had to walk with the aunt to the boy's mother. it turned out, that mother of the boy was holding another new born baby in her arm. once the boy saw his mother, he started to cry once again. the mother and the aunt thanked us. it is a memorable experience, really!

01/12/2012 (Saturday)

first stop : big red strawberry farm
on our second day here, we had breakfast at the hotel. after that we went to big red strawberry farm to do our first agenda on our list that is picking strawberries ourselves. we arrived a little bit early and had to wait about 15 minutes for the center to be opened. when it was finally opened, we began our mission enthusiastically. awed was on a mission picking the biggest one, while i'm on the mission picking the most unique and deformed one. the strawberries picked cost RM25 per 1/2 kilos. before we went in, we mumbled about who's gonna eat 1 1/2 kilos of strawberries anyway.

but, when we went in the strawberry farm, we forgot all about the weight and began picking without thinking because they were so many red and ripe strawberries just waiting to be picked. even when we decided we are done, on our way out we kept on calling, 'okay, last call! last call!' meaning it would be our last pick. each of us had maybe 5-7 last calls, hehe.. when, we went to weight the strawberries, the staffs there told us that we were lucky to manage to pick the beautiful ones since we came early. if we came in later in the evening, there wouldn't be so much choice.

second stop: time tunnel museum
our second stop is the time tunnel museum. here, we got to watch various collections of old stuffs, even the stuffs before the world war 1. some of the stuffs were from my generation of growing up, so we could relate to them. the museum is quite small yet it contains a lot of interesting and wonderful things that really bring back memories. some of the memories are forgotten but being here, help us reminiscing it.

third stop : boh tea plantation
next stop is boh tea plantation. the view here is very beautiful. we were being shown how the tea being processed, first from watching the videos shown and next from the actual factory. while watching the video, we also managed to learn about boh plantation history. after done watching tea being processed at the factory, we took the opportunity to have early afternoon tea time at the cafe. the cafe's location is so strategic that you get to see the breathtaking view of the plantation. we had to wait a couple of minutes to get a seat but the view made the waiting worthwhile.

fourth stop : butterfly farm
fourth stop of the day is the butterfly farm. the butterfly farm is quite small but it still had lots of beautiful butterflies flying around. it also had insects and snakes on display. at first, we didn't include this in our tour program. but since we still had ample time on the day, we decided to stop and visit it. awed and me even get hooked on a couple of beetles that were 'fighting for their life.' honestly, we didn't know what the beetles were fighting over, but we concluded that they were fighting over a girl.

fifth stop : rose centre
the last stop of the day is rose centre. the walk is really challenging. we had to climb hundreds of stair. but we really felt like 'alice in wonderland' during the walk because we were surrounded by beautiful and colourful flower, not only roses but many different types. here, we managed to took lots of beautiful pictures to add to our memorable photos collection. after done with the stroll among the flowers, we went to the market and bought some souvenirs, fresh flowers and flower petals. what we did to the petals is shown below. that night, we went once again to the night market (no lost boy this time) to bought some last minute souvenirs.

friends like you are more precious than diamond (comparing diamonds are girl best friend)
02/12/2012 (Sunday)

trick art museum, i-city shah alam
we started our journey back to putrajaya at about 12 noon. but we didn't went straight back home. we stopped at i-city shah alam to visit the trick art museum. here, we managed to get lots of funny and silly pose. some of them are shown in the picture above. after done with the trick art museum, we went back home and getting ready for dinner at saba reastaurant in cyberjaya. the restaurant offers arabic cuisine. we wore our  ao dai that night. after done with dinner, we went to klcc for our ao dai photoshoot and some of the results are shown below.
ao dai photoshoot
03/12/2012 (Monday)

until later, girls..
everything must come to an end especially the good one. on our final day together, we went karakoeing at alamanda. oh, we had lunch there as well. we choose a few k-pop songs to watch while eating. we send awed back at tbs. her bus back was on 4pm. we couldn't wait for our next vacation together. even it was only for five days, time spent with your love ones are timeless and priceless. the memories made will remain forever, insyaAllah. i'm glad and thankful to Allah for the friendships given with both of you. until later..

Sunday, November 25, 2012


i find this short movie very sweet.. i could relate to some of the scenes shown.. kudo again to jinnyboy tv..

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

missing you

lately, i've been busy with work that i didn't have enough time to socialize.. by socializing, i mean meeting or communicating with my friends or families via online, phone (calling, messaging, whatsapping etc) or even face to face. normally, i don't answer my phone during work. usually, i will call them back or answer their messages during break or any free time that i could find. so, people who knows me well wouldn't call me during working hours. they will just leave a message.

i am working with immigration department and currently working in the passport unit. so, during this school holiday, our working time has been extended to 10pm everyday, closed only during public holiday. actually, for this type of working hour, we need to use the shift system. two groups, one from 8am - 3pm and the next from 3pm - 10pm. but since we didn't have enough staffs to implement the shift system, we have to work straight to the night. honestly, it's tiring...

ps: to all my loved ones, i'm so sorry if i reply your sms, whatsapp etc a little bit late or completely forgot to reply them.. i'm sorry i haven't return your phone call.. to my mom, sorry i haven't come back to kampung in a while.. to my two gossip girls, sorry for not participating actively in our chats but really looking forward to our vacation together.. and to whom it may concern, really am missing you..

pps: hoping that could find time to watch breaking dawn 2 and rise of the guardians.. anyone? oh btw, the malay movie istanbul aku datang sooooo sweeeeet..

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

ahlan wa sahlan, ya 1434H

alhamdulillah, it's been another year in the islamic calendar hijrah. islam has its own year calculation there are also twelve months in the year of hijrah and the first month is muharram. years are counted since the Hijrah, which is when the Prophet Muhammad migrated from Makkah to Madinah (approximately July 622 A.D.). if you are interested in learning more about hijrah, just click here. 

here are the prayers that we recite at the end and the beginning of hijrah. first we recite the dua on ending of hijrah a few minutes before maghrib. and after performing maghrib prayer, we recite the dua on early hijrah. i've got the translation from a blog called Towards Enlightment. may Allah Bless us all, insyaAllah...
In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful, And May the peace and blessing of Allah, be upon Our Master Muhammad (saw) and his family and companions. O Allah, whatever actions I have committed this past year which You have forbidden me from, which I have not repented from, and you have not been pleased with nor do you forget, while You are forbearing with me , though You are fully capable of punishing me, while You called me to repentance after my foolishness before You in committing sins – O Allah, I surely seek Your forgiveness for that, so forgive me ! O Allah, as for my actions that have pleased You in this year and for which reward has been promised, then I ask You O Allah! O Most Generous, O Owner of Majesty and Reverance, that You accept them from me. And do not dash my hopes in You. O Most Generous! And Allah, the Most Exalted, bless our Master Muhammad (saw) and his family and companions and grant them peace.
In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful And May the peace and blessing of Allah, be upon Our Master Muhammad (saw) and his family and companions. O Allah You are the everlasting, the eternal, the first! And our reliance is upon Your Great Grace and Generosity! And this new year has arrived, we ask Your protection in it from the shaytan and his allies and his armies! And we ask You for Your support against this soul which incites to evil and Your support in pre-occupying ourselves with that which draws us close to You! O Owner of Majesty and Reverance! And Allah, the Most Exalted, bless our Master Muhammad (saw) and his family and companions and grant them peace.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

happy diwali 2012

first of all, happy diwali to all that celebrates it! happy holiday as well to most of us. since, tomorrow is a holiday, ms A and i went for a girl night out. actually, i was the one that initiated it. so, we went to sunway pyramid. it's been a while since we were last there. actually, i planned to look at some wigs. as you can see from one of my pictures, i was wearing a wig. so, i wanted to buy one just for fun. but, i bought another silly thing instead.

while searching for the shop with the wig, we found this cute shop called doodolls instead. the salesgirl is wearing this cute hat that can be seen in most anime and manga. ms A was the most excited one! so, as usual we decided to buy one each. we even contacted our partner in crime in kota tinggi, none other than ms awed to choose one. we send her the above picture so that she can decide. finally, ms A chose ninja, i chose fugi and awed chose sunny twin. 

we couldn't wait to get together end of this month to try it on together. but ms A and i had already wear it (as can seen from the above picture) while karaokeing at alamanda. oh, i forgot to mention that end of this month, the three of us will be going to a 3 days trip to cameron highland. we already booked the hotel early of this year.really looking forward to it. everytimes we get together, we would do lots of silly things. sometimes, unthinkable things that women on our age would do. notice that i use the word women and not girls, huhu.. so, that's all for now. until my next entry...

ps: this sunday will be going to buji's wedding at ampang, insyaAllah... buji is our friend from stj.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

love message

the picture itself summarizes what i'm writing here. adjust... or don't fall in love... opposite attracts but too much differences repel as well. we have to find the right balance in any kind of relationships. we have to give and take. too much taking or too much giving is bad for you...

recently, i asked my older sister i never thought of asking. i asked her, how long does it took for her and her husband to shift from singlehood to marriagehood. in my eyes, my sister and her husband differs in every way but they managed to find the balance. my sister told me that it differs for every couple. she also mentioned that she asked the same question to my other sister. so i guessed, both of us wondered the same thing before entering the married life.

she said the first year was the toughest period. eventhough they were a couple for about two years before getting married, living together with one another is still a new thing. both had habits that can only be known when living together. because of love, they learned to cope and accept everything about each other. both must be fair and ready to change to achieve the balance

but again, like learning, marriage is along a lifelong journey. we will learn and discover new things. for example, things change when we are blessed with children. oh i forgot to mention, marriage is not just the union of two people but two families as well. for example, i'm the youngest in my family but i may receive younger sisters or brothers through marriage. the same goes for my husband.

people keep asking me, when am i going to get married to the point of my irritation. i know they meant well but still it annoys me, huhu.. like i said, entering into marriagehood is not an easy thing. it's not like what we imagined it during our childhood. remember, when you play masak-masak, kawen-kawen and then you have babies. haha, it was fun right?

but innocent as a child was, we never knew that we would have to encounter hardships, overcome obstacles and facing tough situations to achieve the happy scene we portrayed when we were young. but wait, if i remembered correctly, we still fought when playing pondok-pondok right? see, even as young as we were at that times, we still have our disagreements.

so, i usually answer with the safe answer, most of us the singlaby do, my time haven't arrived yet! i keep answering with the same answer and that made most of them stop asking, huhu... Allah knows what best for us, right? maybe currently, i'm not ready to get married eventhough i think i am! maybe i'm fit to be someone's wife but not fit enough to be a mother.

i'm not gonna lie by saying i'm not affected by it all. i always wonder if i'm gonna die alone, no husband, no children. i imagine being the famous cat lady eventhough i don't have any cat. don't get me wrong, i'm fond of cats but since i'm living with my sis' family, i'm not allowed to have one! in worst scenario, i imagined dying alone and my body would be found only three days later because the neighbour smells something bad (erm, seem likes some movie or drama).

so back to qada and qadar, Allah knows the best for us. Allah will know the right time for me to build a new life with the right person. but still, i know that i have to work hard to achieve it. i am not allowed to stay put and doing nothing about my destiny.

so, i am praying hard that Allah will give me the courage to confess to that one person that i like him. yes, i do have a person whom i like but i get tongue tied around him. honestly, i'm not sure whether he's my soulmate or not. what i know now is i like him for quite sometime. i may have hinted here and there, hoping he'll get my messages. here's another message for him:

dear A,

i don't know if you realize that i like you. i'm not sure if it just like or love since i never been in love before. i confessed that at first i only see you as a friend. we have known each other for more that fifteen years now. during our school day, i saw you like a big brother. but after we each began our working life, i started seeing you in a new perspective.

i'm embarrassed to admit that i became a stalker (hope i won't get charged for this). it's the only way i felt connected to you. if i saw your picture with other girls, i get jealous! yes, i get jealous eventhough we had no relationship (yet).. i'm worried when there's no activity on your social networks; facebook, foursquare etc..

when you either call, sms, whatsapp me, i'm so happy that if i'm alone in my room, i would jump up and down. i'm almost 30 i know, but you manage to make me act like an infatuated teenage girl all over. and maybe if you're reading this, you began think me out of my mind and you are starting to be afraid of me, please don't...

please... oh please if you understand this message, give me a sign. forgive me for stalking you, forgive me for making you feel weird and awkward. i don't want to lose you as a friend. if you don't feel the same way, i understand. i will leave you, i won't disturb you in the psychotic stalker mode anymore. sometimes i think that any girl that can enter your heart and life is the luckiest girl alive.

i'm not perfect but i'm willing to adjust so that i can be with you.. really hope you feel the same way.. again, i truly understand that your feeling might not be the same as mine (the probability is 90%).. when that is the case, please be by my side as my dearest friend..


Monday, November 5, 2012

[SONG] shinhwa ~ how do i say [english subbed]

yup, this is exactly how i am feeling right now, huhu.. btw, this clip was introduced to me by none other than my bff, ms awed 'cos she's also felt the same.. so, we both dedicate this song to whom it may concern.. :)

Friday, November 2, 2012

Presstij Futsal 2012

on 20/10/2012, my secondary school alumni also known as presstij held a futsal tournament for its member, registered or not! the most senior batch that took place is form 5 leavers 1980 and the youngest is form 5 leavers 2009. the match was divided into two categories; senior (age 40 and above) and junior (age 39 and below).
teams' names
i was one of the committee members by accident. the reason is, one of the senior i met during our presstij agm had my phone number and invited me to join the committee. since i've got nothing planned that weekend, i agreed to join. there were nine of us. our first meeting was held on 16/10/2012 at putrajaya lake club. all the matches was also drawn of the same day. in total there are 28 teams; 12 senior and 16 junior.

the committees (abg izam and kak mas are not in the pic)
the committees must arrived at senawang sport complex at 8.00am on the match day. the registration was opened on 8.30am. everything went smoothly. we have two tables for the committees, one on the inside of the building and one on the outside. i was stationed on the outside. the inside table updates the result on the board while the outside table updates the result online. my batch sent one team and called it 99ers. they manage to get  third place! really am proud of them!
the event ends at about in the evening. our batch celebrated at the nearby McD. the event was a huge success. a lot of people are more interested in joining the futsal event next years. it really helps us bonding with other members. with all the technology this day really make keeping in touch with each other much easier and more convenient compared to before.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

mak akak's wedding reception

salam, remember the entry for mak akak's 'nikah' day? well, this is the continuation of that entry, mak akak's wedding reception. the reception is one day after eiduladha, 27th october 2012 (saturday). it was held at putrajaya lake club hall. the hall could only fit ca 150 persons, so it was quite a small reception. only family and close friends attend. the theme is turquoise. mine was sponsored by one of my aunt, mak wang. she volunteered to sponsor my cloth after i joked around with her that my small salary would not allowed me to buy a new dress, haha..

as usual, there were the flower boys and girls. this time, they got to wear masks. there's also karaoke involved. every family must send at least one representative. so, on eiduladha me and some of my cousins went practicing at superstar karaoke, wangsa walk. eventhough, i usually went karaokeing with friends, it is  very different when going with people from another generation. the song's choices said it all..

our family sends four lovely ladies, my two sisters-in-law, kak intan and kak ani, kak ala and me! kak sya didn't joined because she had sore throat. our performance closed the karaoke session that night and we sang 'bunyi gitar - p. ramlee.' it was fun! and only my voice was heard according to my uncle, the mc. i'm the only one that sang loudly and held the mic closed. my other lovely sisters just danced to the beat. we also had lucky draws that night. we were asked to buy the gifts for the draw. all and all it was fun and entertaining...

Monday, October 22, 2012

emergency telephone numbers (detailed)

You Are Sad

You Have Sinned

You Are Seeking Faith

You Are Seeking A Friend

You Are Sexually Discriminated

You Are Racially Discriminated

You Are Seeking Love and Tranquility

You Are Depressed

You Are Yearning For A Close Friend

You Feel You Are Not Appreciated

You Feel Like A Loser

You Feel Underpriviledged

You Are Tired of Hardships

People Picks Fight With You

For Deliverance From Fear

For Assurance of Forgiveness

For Double Assurance

ps: resources from