wow, it's been such a long time (usual introduction line), hehe.. but, i felt like writing something today! i'm bored at work, it's lunch time okay! so, i have the right to do anything to pass my time. just finished mid term yesterday.. 2 papers; entrepereneurship (still find it quite difficult to spell it) & information, media and society! MCQ (Multiple Choice Question)... think it's easy eh?! think again.. it got only 25 quetions n u have to score at least 20 to pass! unsure answer more than 5! do the math! huhu... well, after each paper, went to see a movie! the first one is a thai horror movie: 9 temples death ghosts! as usual not so scary but full of unexpected scene. the 2nd movie is eclipse which was ok! i wish there were more fight scenes and less romance. everytime during the romance part, i would stare at the ceiling or the floor! could't stand to watch it. reading is different! i would reread it, but seeing it being translated into action, hoho.. sorry, not me. but there's one romace scene i like, not between bella and edward but between jasper and alice. i find it cute, hehe... what else? last week i sarawak due to work. that's all i can think of writing like now... until later...