Saturday, May 21, 2016

me in uniform

i'm an immigration officer actually (if u guys never knew before). and truth be told, i hate seeing myself in uniform. i think i looked terrible, haha.. some people say that wearing uniform may made you look more attractive. i think the saying would apply to uniforms such as pilot, flight attendance, navy and even some hotel employee. i just don't think it would apply to immigration officer (made that malaysian immigration officer) such as me. anyway, here are a few pictures of me in uniform. our latest uniform is all black (with grey hijab for the muslim women) and before that it used to be white shirt and dark blue pants (with dark blue hijab).

both my sister and i worked at immigration, but my sister is not an immigration officer. she worked in finance and sometimes wear the uniform for special occasions. this one was when we both received the excellent employee award,

this was actually for the officer that work at the airport, but sometimes i just wear it for the variety. wearing the same uniform everyday can be boring, i assured you that!

this is our latest uniform, we started wearing it around 2012 or maybe 2013, huhu..

Thursday, May 12, 2016

addiction, temptation, therapy

here's the thing.. i rarely, ooh, made that NEVER came out of the RM2 (eco) shop empty handed.. even when my original plan was to buy one particular thing (one only) but the thing wasn't there, i will always, always find another thing to buy.. and it is often more than one thing.. i just had to buy a whole lots just because it's cheap! same goes with the RM5 shops (daiso, komonoya) and it extends to discounted things especially when it is more than 50%! damn the marketing strategy, it always get me! this 'shopping temptation' wasn't mine to resist, haha..

what i really want to buy,

this tag usually cost RM7.90 at normal shops, but here it costs only RM2.12..
(it was sold out by the way)

what i end up buying...

like i mentioned above, i didn't came out empty handed, huhu..
(it all cost only RM2.12 each!)