this entry will contain a mix of things that happened in my life from the somewhere around last year and this year..
big bad wolf 2014 (5 - 16/12/2014)
there's a big bad wolf sales again this year! this sale is something i couldn't resist evethough i've already got tonnes of books i haven't read yet! this time, i went almost every day the two weeks frame. i actually went there almost everyday is to get the bookmarks. they change every day. i have to admit, i'm a little bit of sucker at collecting things. like if i already have two books in a five series stories, my life would feel a little bit incomplete until i found the rest (three more books).
book heaven for people like me |
actually there are a lot more, these are only the 'first buy' |
some of the bookmarks i collected |
district 21, ioi city mall putrajaya (24/01/2015)
we went to try the tough activities offered. there are a lot of interesting here like wall climbing, tube ride, flying fox, free fall and trampoline. the promo entrance fee is RM55. the full fee is RM75. some for the attractions require certain height or weight. i even got into a fight with couple of the staffs regarding my height. the minimum height requirement is 155cm and my height is 156cm. okay maybe 154cm minus shoes.
but, one staff demanded that i measure my height and according to the measurement there i was under 155cm. knowing me and my stubbornness, i insist on doing it. they didn't had a choice but allowed me to do it and i made it to the end eventhough took some time (i had trouble with the harness). but the fight still blacken my mood that day. originally, i was planning to do a few more things but i cancelled all that that dragged miss a along. poor miss a, huhu..
jumping jumping all the way |
stop for a pose in the jungle gym |
diari wanita..episod YB dan nyonya (13/02/2014)
we went to our first theater this year. this time miss a and i were accompanied by yati and fiza (my friends from work). miss a and i had already watched nyonya last year but with a slightly different casts. the episod YB was a little boring actually. luckily the nyonya was funny to the end. but still episod YB got a very good message delivered regarding single women. this time, we waited for the autograph session and took pictures with the casts.
with amy |
with dina |
with juhara |
with misha |
with dayang kartini |
with sherry and nad zainal
my birthday celebration (29/01/2015)
my friends from the office celebrate my birthday one day early secret recipe near killneys. it was actually a surprise but i had my suspicion. the night of my birthday, i celebrated it with my two sisters and their children at home. while miss a and rafiz gave me a present that i love..
two slices of very delicious cakes |
anti clock wise; fiza, yati, radi, me and zul (thank you guys! <3 i="">3> |
the happy birthday girl |
the various things that made an interesting and unique birthday cake (from kak ala and kak sya) |
the gift from rafiz and miss a (body shop body butter) |