i'm ashamed to admit that i'm pretty bad at keeping in touch with well almost anyone!!! but that doesn't mean i forgot about everyone. i always remember the important people in my life; parents, family and close friends. i do feel guilty from time to time. but i always trying my best keeping up with them by following them on social media and this may lead you to believe that i'm a stalker. yup, i'm quite a stalker. but believe me, i stalk because i'm truly interested in knowing about their life! great, now i sound like a 'busybody' person, huhu... i'm sometimes that person but as i grew older and wiser (hopefully), i try my best to keep out of other people business. just kept to myself and the few people that really matters. last july, miss a and me visited awed in kedah. we try our best to get together at least once a year. so, here are some of the pictures.
at sultan abdul halim airport before our departure back to putrajaya |
favourite food stop, nasi daging perlis (just look at my double chin, huhu..) |
muzium padi kedah |
ps: i love you guys to the moon and back!!! thank you for being such a great friends!! XOXOXO