these last couple of weeks, there have been a lot of activities done by the office. the first activity is birthday celebration for january-april babies. nothing much, we just sang a birthday song and cut cakes. ooh, we had nasi ayam penyet as well.. we did some cleaning at the office as well. honestly, i didn't clean as much, just pretending to look busy, huhu.. the guys did all the hard jobs a.k.a cleaning up the outer compound. here are some photos from that day.
haha, i just cut the cake into four parts and leave the rest of the cutting to others.. |
syauqi receiving his wedding presents and you could see me at the back, looking more excited than him.. |
all the hardworking men! |
the next day, we had fire drill. we invited fire and rescue team to the office. and, we didn't actually did any fire drill, the firemen just gave a few tips of safety and demonstrated to us on using the fire extinguisher. i only remember PASS (Pull Aim Squeeze and not so sure about the last S, Sway is it? let me google it.. ooh, it's actually Sweep 😅). after all that, we took a photo by the fire engine. eventhough we're adults, seeing a fire engine up closed still make us excited just like school children. we even requested to hear the siren.
explanation on the right way to use fire extinguisher |
hurry, lets put out the fire!!! |
happy faces ^_^ |
and today we had bowling tournament organized by segamat police department in conjunction with 212th national police day. the tournament was between all segamat government department. each department send two teams; men and women. since, there are limited choices among the women in my office (they are only seven of us, we need four persons), i was one of the chosen. and luckily enough, my score average is 90 per games. me getting an average of 90 is considered good. otherwise, i usually got only 70 on average. another thing is, two of my colleagues were transferred to another districts; one to muar and one to batu pahat. today was the last day for one of them. the other one request for two weeks postponement. it was hard to say goodbye..ðŸ˜
our bowling teams |
with ramlah (she's going to muar |
*ps: btw, my parents and my sister bought me a new car, perodua bezza 1.0.. i'm sooo grateful for it. myprevious car, perodua viva was officially became my father's. and i'm still thinking what to do for my final research project. i need to send the proposal summary two weeks before 31st may. i'm planning to work on it after my final exam this 20th april. currently, my chosen topic is, 'identifying the primary love language of children at _____ kindergarten.' i got the ideas from the book by ross gary & campbell chapman, the five love languages of children.