today, i'm welcoming ramadhan into my life! in fact i'm welcoming ramadhan into all of muslims' life! of course when it's ramadhan, all the muslims have to fast from early morning (subuh) till late evening (maghrib). we are not alllowed to eat or drink until breakfast. for first timers meaning kids or mu'alaf that recently embraced islam, it may be a lil' bit tiring! but for me, i've been fasting 'full time' since i was 9 years old! by full time, i mean from subuh till maghrib! i emphasized 'full time' because before 9 yrs old, i only fasted 'half time', that was until zohor.
well, since today is the first day of ramadhan, let me wish all muslims, happy ramadhan, happy fasting and happy breakfasting! don't try to cheat, okay! Allah will know if you sneak to eat or drink! maybe people won;t see your wrong doings but Allah will always keeping watch over all of us, His khalifah. so, don't ever try doing something bad! furthermore all the Syaithon a.k.a devils have been imprisoned in this holy month. if we do something bad this month, it's not because of the devil's temptation but from our own. this is just a reminder for me and all of you.
well, i think that's all for now... ops, before i forgot, i've been tagged by one of my school and university mate, marina. she said something about award and so on! i didn't quite catch her meaning! but i just linked her blog to my! so, minamei, i've linked u to my blog okay! thanks for stopping by and read my entries. i've read yours as well eventhough i didn't leave any comments, ;p! here things that i copy and paste from her blog...

Here's the deal...
Brilliant Weblog is a prize given to sites and blogs that are smart and brilliant both in their content and their design. The purpose of the prize is to promote as many blogs as possible in the blogsphere. Here are the rules to follow:
Put the logo on your blog --> CHECKED
Add a link to the person who awarded you --> CHECKED
Nominate at least 7 other blog. --> NOT YET
Add link to those blog on yours --> NOT YET
Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs --> NOT YET
2. Put a link to the person you got the award from : NOT YET!
3. Nominate : NOT YET!
4. Put links to the blogs: NOT YET!
5. Leave a message for your nominees : NOT YET!
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