this sunday is mother's day. i've already posted mother's day card to my mum yesterday. hope it'll arrive on time. i've also enclosed two teacher's day card to two of my most favourite teachers (cikgu hamsiah and cikgu jah). they were my primary school teacher's and they are also my mother's besties. so, i am really closed with them. for me, they're most than just teachers. they are my mentor, my sifu, my jedi master and so much more. they still guide me long after i finished primary school.

oh, i also just wanna wish happy teacher's day to all my other primary school teachers (cikgu hashim, cikgu kamaluddin, cikgu zuraidah, cikgu zaitun, ustaz yunos, cikgu hayati, cikgu junaidah, my mom and all sekolah kebangsaan sepinang's school teachers), my secondary school teachers (cikgu shimah add & kh, cikgu apen, ustazah bariah, ustazah suwaibah, mr zack, cikgu yusof marsidi, cikgu zulcapli, cikgu kang and all the rest of science tuanku jaafar kuala pilah's teachers), my a-level and dsh lecturers at uitm (miss yap, mr huang, mr sudad, frau jutta etc), my fh lecturers eventhough i didn't finished my study there (herr gebhard etc) and to all my current and future teachers! thank you for the knowledge and guidance.
tomorrow i'm going to
MERCY's emergency response unit (ERU) at mercy HQ in dayabumi complex on 7.30am. so i planned to take erl from putrajaya to kl sentral at the earliest possible moment. from kl sentral i'll take putra to cm. if i'm not mistaken, this ERU usually cost rm150, but mercy done it for free. after ERU, i planned to go for basic mission training (BMT) next. bmt is a must for volunteers who want to work abroad. on sunday, i'll go to work first and after that i have to take my OUM modules at jln tun ismail, near PWTC. ooh, talk about working on weekends, we are supposed to get paid overtime. unfortunately, i didn't get my payment yet. a lot of my colleagues have receuved theirs. if this continue (late payment), i probably won't work on weekends anymore, huhu.... i think that's all for this entry, until later... muahs!