arwah atuk with my parents |
wow' it's been quite some times since i wrote something here! well, there's a lot things in my life these last few weeks. but first of all. i would love to mention that i've lost my loving grandmother, pn lema binti abdullah on 11th of this month. she passed away during her sleep around maghrib that day. i first got a call from kak ala and asking whether i want to go back with her or not. but, since i'm down with flu, told her i will go back by myself so that i wouldn't spread my virus to her small children. then, i texted my boss, saying i couldn't come to work tomorrow because my grandmother passed away. not long after that, my cousin lutfie called, asking me how am i going back to 'kampung.' so, i invited him along. i picked him up at his apartment (with by the way, i got totally lost!). he took over the driving from R&R seremban. we arrived around 2am.
my grandmother was buried around zohor on the next day. i didn't actually managed seeing her for the last time since i was really sick. i only managed to join the 'talqin' at the grave. but the people that saw her told that she looked like she was smiling while asleep. alhamdulillah, i hope that was a good side. actually, i grew up with my grandmother looking after me since my parents had to work. there were a lot of times, she would back me up if my mom scolded me. she loved to joke around and everytime i went to the shop with her, i will get sweets that i want! she was kind, gentle, lovin, funny and i love her so verryy much! atok, may Allah places you among the mukminah... al~fatihah...
luckily, A remember no jeans! |
okay, as mentioned on the above date, A and i went to another musical. this time, it's the oscar winners! the conductor connect well not only with the musicians, but to the audiences as well! and this is the first musical that i went having vocal along! and, i really get into the beat! eventhough i didn't know most of the songs but the one i'm familiar with made me wanna dance along. there are a lot of fast musics in this one. they have a theme from jaws, pink panther and many others. my favourites are where do i begin from love story, you'll be in my heart from tarzan, all the way from the joker is wild and come fly with me from from well, come fly with me of course! overall, i gave two thumbs up for this performance.
me and my yukata |
the next day, on aprilfool, i finally got a reason to wear my yukata outside. at tokyo street, pavillion KL, there's a promotion on every 1st day of the month. if you go there, wearing japanese traditional cloth, you are able to get some discounts at certain shops and restaurants. it was really an ordeal, wearing the yukata outside. i have to control my walk so that the knots would not be unravelled which will lead to some embarrassing moment, huhu... A really helped me a lot with my yukata. oh, before i went to mid valley, i was first at the national library to return some books i borrowed. i noticed some people looking at me because of the yukata. it's quite embarrassing really, haha.. we managed to get 15% discount at this restaurant we ate and i'm eligible for a lucky draw. ain't i'm lucky that day because i got the above doraemon soft toy!!!
upin & ipin the musical |
on 14th april, again A and i went to upin and ipin the musical. for you guys that are from malaysia, you'll be familiar with these characters. in this musical, the story went a little bit like this. there's a princess from another planet who doesn't know what happiness is like. so, when she asked her magic mirror, the mirror showed upin, ipin and the 'gang' are having fun, playing lot of games together. so, the princess sort of asking her people to kidnap upin and ipin in order to learn happiness from them. so, there started the mission of rescuing upin and ipin by their friends! for me, the storyline is good but the kids could have put on better jobs! maybe i went and watched this on the opening day is the reason behind the imperfection. but overall, i had a good time and not to mention that i'm not feeling well that day!
amin is the best! ;) |
on the 25th, there's another mini gathering at our usual location, oza PIL's satay restaurant, satay zaini. the 'victim' this time is mr amin takumin. we are having our now 'routine', satay first and tutti frutti afterwards! eventhough, the are only a few people, we always manage make it 'happening!' let see who's here this time around, amin (of course), ismas & yuyut, oza, bonda, ateng, olin &her children and A & me! oh, actually right now i'm on my unpaid leave of two weeks! the reason behind it, so that i could finish my final project! unfortunately, i'm also not well for the last two weeks, meaning no progress at all! finally made a decision to extend another semester, huhu...