25/03/2014 (tuesday)
on our 4th and last day, we went to the
korean folk village. the entrance fee is KRW24,000. to get there, we must first go to
suwon station and then took the shuttle bus provided. we arrived there around 10am and still among the first visitors. we rushed to the performance area to catch the 'farmer's music and dance' that started on 1030am. it was very amusing. the performers where this special hat with feathers and a rope. when they turned their head, the ropes moved beautifully. they did a few acrobatic things as well.
after the dance, at 11am, we watched the tightrope walking performance. it was done by this elderly man. it's quite amazing,watching him not just walking on the rope, but jumping and many other maneuvers as well. and while performing, he cited a few traditional korean poetry. there was also a tightrope on the ground for those who wanted to try. actually i want to try it, but since only children are the one who did, i cancelled my earlier intention, huhu...
we moved again to the performance are to watch the next performance, equestrian feats. this was performed by several young youths. some of them even performed in the farmer's dance.as usual, they don't only ride horses but did several amazing and interesting things that required a lot of experiences and skills. they stay horse, the ride it backwards, they made a human tower on horses, they did archery and many other things.

the last performance we attended was the traditional korean wedding. if you're used to watch korean drama, you may know how it was done. there was this special setting made especially for the wedding with cock and fruits and such. then the groom came first and did the bow several times to the elders. then the bride was brought in by several elder ladies and both bride and groom started bowing to each other. in the end,the bride was brought into a tandu (i don't know the word in english. the only word that came to my mind was carriage, huhu..) that was carried by several people and the groom rode a horse. they newlywed now will move into their new home, usually the groom's home.

after watching all four performances, we went to roam the area. but first, we had a very lavish lunch. i think that was our first real lunch/meal since we arrived here. we ordered a lot of things. here in korean folk village, you have to buy the coupon for the food you want first. only then, you gave the coupon to the stalls that sold the food you want. there are many stalls and various choice of foods. done with lunch, we continued strollling around the village and visited several traditional workshops. it showed us how things such as straw shoes and silk traditionally made. we left the village around 4pm.

we then went back to the city and did some window shopping, killing sometime before our 8.30pm performance ant
korea house. we also went to seoul bus station to buy our ticket to busan tomorrow morning. i bought the ticket for performances at korea house online while still in malaysia. the ticket was a little expensive, KRW50,000/pax. but, i assured you, you'll get what your money worth with these
performances. we arrived at korea house at around 8pm and while waiting, i saw this unique group consisting of several
turkish and
japanese ladies. they were all muslims and wore
hijab like we did. i called them unique because of their way of communicating with each other. they talked in their mother tongue but still the other party understood and could reply.

we watched the performance with a group of japanese and german people. they had a welcoming party for one of the workers at the banquet hall. and then, the person that sitting next of me was sort of my dream man, haha.. first, he was japanese.. i have this weakness for japanese man, influenced by all jdrama and anime that i watched. second, he could speak german and english.. and it would be complete if he was muslim and single as well, haha.. he is quite handsome and during the performances, i kept secretly glanced at him.. i think he didn't notice my glances, since he was focused on the performance and the colleague beside him, haha.. end of story.. we were allowed to take photo with the performers one the performance ended. and it also the end of this entry. only a few entries left for this trip.

ps: since we did a lot of walking, my shoes was damaged. i had to buy a new pair. and while choosing the shoes, i came into this pair that i really liked. i almost paid for them but remembered to check the inside in case it was from 'pigskin.' and it turned out to be true. i chose another pair and need to 'samak' my hand and socks at the hotel, huhu..