Thursday, September 3, 2015

fruits season is back! (...a couple of weeks ago)

well, like the title says the fruits season is back and goonnnee... sorry for the late update.. for those who never been to my house in segamat, you probably should know that my house, my parent's house to be exact is inside of an orchard, THE orchard! there are various fruit trees around; durian, rambutan, manggis, pulasan, duku, duku langsat, langsat, dukung, cepu, ciku etc..etc.. you just name any local, I repeat LOCAL trees, no apples, pears, grapes etc, the orchard probably has it!
I had my share of local fruits since I was young, Alhamdulillah. i'm lucky my parents and my late grandparents and late grandparents for planting the trees for us, the later generation. and now, my parents keep adding their own trees for the benefit of the youngs.
this time, the fruit season arrived the same time of hari raya, double festive season for us! during my office raya celebration, my sister (we worked in the same Immigration Department) brought the fruits all the way from segamat to Putrajaya. she brought along a few of her staffs to segamat to 'harvest' the fruit. and the week after that, I brought fiza (and her two cute nieces) and yati home to segamat to 'harvest' even more. before that, my brothers already collected the fruits as well.
I could climb trees, I was a good tree climber! but with age, comes the weight (for not leading a healthy lifestyle), so I fall off the trees not once, but TWICE. once while plucking rambutan and the other while plucking pulasan. poor poor trees, I broke their branches. I also got bitten by a few small black bees which my parents call kelulut. I got the lips of angelina jolie for about two days and itchy all over for about a week!

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