well, enough about that! now, let me get back to my real topic that is my childhood memories. i remember writing this exact essay 9 yrs ago, during my spm examination and i've got B3... that was for the 1119 english paper not the 1 for spm, that 1 i got A1. wow, couldn't believe it! how fast time flew. i'm getting older each days without realizing it! but as we all know, time & tide wait 4 nobody! we have to move forward without regretting our past. learn from our mistake and try to be a better person each day of my life.
i was very stubborn and naughty during that time... well, i'm still stubborn and naughty these days! haha, couldn't help it! it's been a part of me, it's my character that i couldn't change! i've tried not to be stubborn or naughty but i failed each time, huhu~~ i was a very trying and troubled child! don't believe me?! ask my parents and my siblings, they knew better, haha~~ i always challenge their authority especially my father, mr hamidon ismail. i'm the only child in the family that have the courage to talk back to my dad. huhu, very bad girl! and as for my mom, she gave up hope long ago trying to cracked this stubborness of mine... but whatever i did, i really love them both, and urggh my siblings as well eventhough they love to 'bully' me when i was young! =p
what else... erm... erm... i love my childhood and i really missed them! i remember playing all the traditional games; teng2, congkak, galah panjang, zero point(main getah), konda kondi, congkak etc... children today played ps2, wii, nitendo etc etc... i think they were missing a lot by not experiencing the things the 'older generation' games. they spend most of the times interacting with machines rather than with people and that's not good for their social life! we human creates machines and how can we expect the things we create to react to our every wish unless we are a very good programmer! but human, real life people can act accordingly without the needs to be programmed eact time.
i think that's all for now! perhaps i'll update later since i have a leave from work til 9 september 2008! hope that everyone enjoy reading this short article of mine. boy, how i miss my childhood and how i wish i'm a child once again. no worries at all! play all day long! being an adult is really tiring. and to those kids out there, enjoy the moment before u grew up, becoming an adult and facing life in a new light! In the final analysis it is not what you do for your children but what you have taught them to do for themselves that will make them successful human beings.~Ann Landers
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