finally, i'm 30! i still feel like i'm in the twenties. sometimes, i couldn't believe myself. i'm already 30. when i was still in school, doesn't matter either primary or secondary, i always thought that 30 is such an old age and t will take quite some time for me to reach it. tick tock tick tock, how time flew and now i'm 30 already. in my mind now, 50 is such a long way to go. but then again, it will happen soon! if only Allah allows me to live that long. we never will know what will happen in the future.
how am i feeling right now? nothing much different from when i'm in my twenties. feeling a little bit old and still couldn't quite believe it! since we stopped growing taller, changing classes and so on, we didn't felt much different right? maybe we start having wrinkles, forgetting things often, tire easily, don't have much enthusiasm and energy as before and the list go on. you also notice that you prefer music in the 80s, 90s and even oldies compared to the now hit songs! i prefer to listen to before, but now i prefer
you also will see the children around you are growing in age and in height. since, i don't have my own kids, i notice it in my nieces and nephews. i remember helping my brothers and sisters taking care of their children; changing their diapers, feeding them, bathing them, carrying them and so much more. now, all of them had grew up and some are even taller than me.
btw, here are five signs you're acting like a middle-aged facebooker (adapted from the book 'you know you're middle aged when' by alison rattle & allison vale):
- you can't wait to sign in each day and get unduly excited when you receive a friend request. unfortunately it's usually a case of mistaken identity.
- you overuse pointless applications, spending an inordinate amount of time throwing vampires, tungsten screws, sheep, cupcakes, pregnant teenagers and an awful lot of hugs to people you haven't set eyes on for over twenty years.
- your profile picture is a photo of your child and your albums have titles such as 'first bath' and 'first tooth!' (guilty as charged, huhu! instead of my children, make it anybody children)
- your status updates tend to go along the lines of 'maria is doing her tax return' or 'paul is peeling potatoes.'
- you have eight friends, of which three are colleagues, one is your other half and the rest are borrowed from your kids.
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my first card received this year (kak ala's family) |
my second card received this year (kak sya's family) |
the presents ^_^ |
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from dear friend |
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