Thursday, September 4, 2014


salam.. wow, there seemed to be no entry in august! then this is not a web site but a cobweb site, hehe.. pardon the cheesy pun. actually, i want to write about a lot of things but the mood to write it is not there. this time, i want to talk about being grateful...

eventhough i'm ashamed to admit this, i had to admit it anyway. i'm the type of person that usually take things for granted. i remembered to be grateful only when there's something major happened in my life such as my graduation or receiving something that i wanted for a long time or when my dua's are answered. there are a lot of things, some may seem small or minor that i forgot to expressed my gratitude for. here are my list:
  1. Family: i have such a happy family. it's not perfect but who's family does? my parents, they are the best and the most important thing is they are still alive. yet, i seldom called them. i'm the type of person that only called my parents when i need to ask or to inform something to them. my mom is the one who usually call me. when i was studying abroad, i called my parents more frequently compared where i'm here, close to them. my mom was the one that started to say 'i love you' at the end of of conversation. it was a bit awkward at first but now it's easy to say them. my best friend's parent were both gone. but she's really strong. i couldn't imagine my life without my mom or dad. i always reminding myself to keep in touch with my parents more frequently. my brothers and sisters, each and single one of them has been there through my toughest time. they helped me emotionally and financially.and not to forget, my niblings. they make me laugh and they challenge my mind with their innocent yet tough questions. trying to answer them give me a glimpse of what my future looks like (when i'm having children of my own, insyaAllah). this is the most obvious but easily forgotten reason to be grateful and thankful every single moment.
  2. Physical: my physical is perfect. i have both legs and hands and with them, i have fingers. i have eyes too see. i have ears to hear. i have nose to smell, to breathe. i have everything. but, i've always take them for granted. once, i read about a lose his thumb, and given quite a lot of compensation. his friend joke about it, saying he was lucky to receive a lot of money just by losing only a thumb. he told he friend, he would give all the money in the world if he could get back that one thumb! he said it was hard living without it.he couldn't grasp things easily anymore. that got me thinking. only a thumb but change things a lot. when i watched documentaries about those special people, how they still can survive without having the things that we took for granted, i'm amazed and ashamed at the same time.
  3. Job: i may not loving my job but still i'm happy for it. the are a lot of people with great qualifications still looking for occupations. i still get my monthly salary. i have a lot of good friends at work that made the job 'bearable', hehe.. but again, i've always took my job for granted. if i don't have this job, i would have no money to buy things that i need and also things that i want.
  4. Friends: i have a lot of friends. i don't know how many true friends that i have, but i think i have enough. they are the one that stood by me through my toughest and hardest time. they are the one that understand me without having me to explain it into details. they are the one that love me with all my quirkiness, craziness, moodiness, crankiness and so on..
there are a lot of other small things that i took for granted. the one i listed, i think is the major one. i hope that i would be remember to be grateful for every single thing, no matter how minor or how small it is.. ameen..

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