today marked the eight day of syawal a.k.a the eight day of raya! on the first day of raya, I celebrated it at my hometown, kampong berata segamat along with my first brother's (abang ain) and my first sister's (kak sya) family and of course with our beloved parents. as usual we went to our arwah atok's house and visited our aunts; mak ilah and mak akak. the menu is the usual lontong, kari ayam kampong and rendang daging. our house had the same menu but with extra laksa Johor. our second house of the day was mak ijat's house (menu: soto) and the third and final house of the day was my mother's cousin (menu: sup tulang/roti arab). then, we had our photos taken.
with the parents |
me with abg ain's family (had to blend in, hehe..) |
abg ijan's family |
kak sya's family |
kak ala's family |
on the second day of syawal, we practically did nothing but lazing around and on the third syawal. we all (except our mother for she was tired due to raya preparation and all) went to our father's side of the family at felda taib andak, kulai. there was tahlil and all but we arrived a little be late and made it jusr for doa time. my father have eight siblings but one passed away a couple of years ago. I (shamely) didn't know all my cousins from my father side and still doing my best to get to know them. it seems I come from a large family from both our my father's and mother's side.
abah with his siblings |
added in the spouses or children |
smile :) |
the kids made bonfire and cooks potatoes with it. the next day, they made the fire once again and this time they 'cooked' marshmallows and sausages (s'more). at night, they showed their creative side by painting. oh and i almost forgot, on the first raya we went to watch a midnight movie of ant-man. while waiting for the movie to start, the kids (and I) spend time at the video arcade and did some 'karaoke'ing. it was actually fun and funny as well singing with them. they fought for the microphone. they sang their hearts out (sometimes out of tune, me included). and they even didn't want to leave the room because they wanted to sing some more...
movie time |
s'moring |
painting |
:: Danish :: Areef :: Shafi :: Izz :: |
| Yasmin | Syaira | Safia | |
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