Monday, August 26, 2024

Great Story I Found in Facebook

The mother said to her son's wife smiling after the honeymoon: You were able to make my son commit to praying in the mosque. You succeeded in thirty days, while I failed in thirty years. Her eyes filled with tears.

The son's wife replied, saying: Do you know, mother, the story of: The Stone and the Treasure?

It is said that there was a large stone blocking the way for people to pass. So a man volunteered to break it and remove it. The man tried and hit the stone with an axe 99 times, then he got tired... Then a man passed by him and asked him to help him. And indeed, the man took the axe and hit the large stone, and it split from the first blow.

The surprise was that there was a bag full of gold under the rock, so the man said: It is mine, I split the stone. So the two men argued before the judge, the first said: Give me some of the treasure, I hit the stone 99 times and then got tired, and the other said: The whole treasure is mine, I am the one who split the stone. The judge replied: The first one gets 99 parts of the treasure, and you, the one who split the stone, get one part. Oh man, if it weren't for his 99 strikes, the stone wouldn't have split a hundred times.

💚 Thirty years and the mother urges her son to pray without despair. Then she rejoices that her son prayed out of affection for his wife, even though he disobeyed her for thirty years!!

💚 Then how beautiful is the behavior of the son's wife and how great is her morals when she did not attribute the credit to herself, but rather made the mother completely confident that her efforts were not in vain and that she was the one who laid the foundation stone and built brick by brick until the last brick remained that the son's wife completed..

💚 Authentic morals, only come from a genuine person.

In Japan:

When you rent a hotel and you are a Muslim, they give you a Quran, a prayer rug, and a map that shows you the only mosque in Tokyo.

In some Islamic countries; you rent a hotel, you open the refrigerator, you find types of alcohol, and they give you a map that shows you the location of the discotheque in the hotel.

They respect our religion and we insult it!!!

A worker repairs the air conditioners of a mosque, then he refused the wages and said: My mother advised me not to take wages for work in a mosque!!

They were amazed by his mother, and I will be amazed by his piety.

One of the righteous was asked why do you go to the mosque before the call to prayer? He said: The call to prayer is to alert the heedless, and I hope I am not one of them!!

(We ask Allah for safety)..

 I asked him why do you always drink water in the mosque when you find it in your home?!!

He said: So that whoever puts it in the mosque will be rewarded

"High-class souls"

If a scandal reaches you about someone, let it stop with you; if it stops with you, you will receive the reward of covering up, and whoever covers up a Muslim, Allah will cover him up..

An old man said to one of his grandsons: My son, do you know that Paradise is free and Hell is money?The boy said: How is that, Grandpa?

 He said to him: HELL is MONEY

  • Whoever gambles pays.
  • Whoever drinks alcohol pays.
  • Whoever smokes pays.
  • Whoever travels looking for immorality pays, 

and PARASIDE, my son, is FREE.

  • Whoever prays, prays for free.
  • Whoever fasts, fasts for free.
  • Whoever seeks forgiveness, seeks forgiveness for free.
  • Whoever lowers his gaze also for free.

Do you want to pay money for Hell?

Or go to Paradise for free?

This is the beautiful saying of the elderly.

This message reached you for free, so send it for free and earn good deeds for free.

O Allah, whoever shares this message, grant him good news that will make him prostrate to Allah crying with joy. Share it for the sake of your standing with Allah.

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