Friday, February 26, 2010


don't know what title to give. so, the first thing that came to my mind is 'ploop'! so, ploops it is. just finished watching liar game 2. interesting. i always like liar game since its first season. the series give me something to think about. learn lots of new things. i also learned about stockholm syndrome while watching knight rider and ghost whisperer. it's a syndrome, when the people that being kidnapped backing their captor, saying that they were nice and so on. they're being brainwashed by their captor. there are a lot of things i learned from watching television and reading books. sometimes the books are not even educational, hehe.. example, i learned some crime solving methods by reading detective conan and files of young kindaichi. so, it went without saying, i learned more from CSI and other tv series.

right now, i'm currently reading darren shan saga. i'm at book no 9. it's nice and i prefer the books than the movie. what else? i also wathced a japanese movie titled marriage according to blood types. interesting. do u know that japanese believe that blood type sometimes determined a person characteristics, just like the zodiac. let me see if i can google some info regarding the blood types. i've read it before and saved the info in my old pc. unfortunately, my pc was beyond saving. crashed all the way. huhu, so i lost a lots of data. my pictures, my document, my movies, songs, anime and lots more. sad but what to do.... wait while i googled the info regarding the blood type. by the way, i'm B+. found a great site, here... well, that's all for now. until later...

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