Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Thought of The Day


My thought of the day 💭:


Example 1️⃣:

You finally shed the extra five kilos after months of strict diet. You are happy to get back the body shape you love. In your happiness, you forget about your diet and start eating like before.

It may start innocently like I just eat all I want today to celebrate my success. But turns out, you eat like that everyday and gained back the weights you lost just in a couple of days. Been there, done that.😅

Example 2️⃣:

You just started to further your study. It was your first semester. The joy and spirit of being a student once again accompanied you. Because of this, you are so focused on your study and manage a 4.0 CGPA.

Unfortunately, you began to lose your enthusiasm and this affects your result. You can longer maintain your 4 flat. Oh by the way, I'm giving this example from my own experience.

I know there are a lot of students out there that have the will to stay focus all through their study. Again, been there done that. Not proud of it. 🥴

Example 3️⃣:

You just got married (this example is certainly NOT from personal experience, merely from reading and observation). You and your spouse are all lovey dovey. ❤️ You call your husband, sayang and he calls you darling (bear with me here, haha..) Everything is all rainbows and sunshine.

But, as you thread through marriage, you realize that it was more than calling endearment to each other. It needs strength, energy, commitment, struggle and (feel free to add in anything you think important in a marriage, you guys are better and more expert than me in this topic 😆).

And according to this 2014 news article, there is one divorce in Malaysia every 10 minutes. It proves that a happy marriage, heck just marriage is hard to uphold.

Example 4️⃣:

You vowed to yourself that starting from today you will read at least two pages of Al-Quran. And alhamdulillah, you are able to do it for two long weeks. That one weekend, you had a fun holiday with your families or friends and that holiday made you skipped your daily Quran reading.

This time back to my personal experience. 😉. And that couple of days you skipped made you lazy to start back your recital routine. Really really not proud of this. That' why in Islam, it is more important and better to stay istiqamah doing small deeds than one big deed one time.

Example 5️⃣:

COVID-19, we manage to flatten the curve, and we stopped being cautious. We forget about the SOP (not blaming anyone here, just general saying) and look at the statistic today.

I hope after all this points, you guys will see why I think maintaining or keeping something is harder than achieving or gaining it.

🍀 Fun fact: It takes an average of 66 days before a new habit takes root in our brain.


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