"Because you had a bad day - You're taking one down - You sing a sad song just to turn it around - You say you don't know - You tell me don't lie - You work at a smile and you go for a ride - You had a bad day - The camera don't lie - You're coming back down and you really don't mind - You had a bad day - You had a bad day"
today, or should i say yesterday, i really had a bad day! i was scold at the office by my colleague, i scratched my car and so on... the thing is, i don't like my new job. frankly, it s**ks! my job s**ks! my day s**ks! can't wait to get a new job offer! why i hate my job? because, the environment is boring, the job's not to my expectation & my colleagues were not sooo nice, well to me at least... i feel like an outsider! i can usually adapt easily to my surroundings but this time, seems like i failed to do it! well, maybe because it's only 2 days since i began my job. maybe, i should give it some more time... maybe, if i try harder to talk to my colleagues, than i won't feel like an outsider anymore or maybe, i'm just not suited to this kind of job! so many maybe... i don't like 'maybes'... not my style! whatever it is, i must bear it until a better offer come! hohoho, me think job offers could come that easily?!!! in my dreams!!! i'm not a quitter! i'm NOT a QUITTER! I AM NOT A QUITTER! gaman... ganbatte kudasai... aja aja.. go fight win... patience is virtue! think poitive! ~ my way of restoring my spirit! q(^_^)p
and as scratching my car, no one to blame but myself! second time this month! hoho, i'm one lousy driver! first time, when i wanted to park! just now, when i backed my car! my spatial vision is bad, very bad! i never encountered any accidents while on road, well once but not my fault. the other car kissed my bumper while at a roundabout. but, when trying to park or reverse, i always encounter problems. maybe, it's true what they say about women! we cannot budget certain distance as well as men! but i CAN READ MAPS!!! hehe, i truly can, not bluffing! but, the scratch wasn't so bad!
now, back to my 'bad day' agenda! have you ever felt that when you woke up in the morning and you hated it! you didn't even started your day and yet you already despised it! i'm having that kind of feeling right now. the reason is quite clear, right?! because i hate my job. woah, if i kept saying 'i hate my job', then i will really hate it. i have to say, 'i love my job' instead to train my mind to like it. during the good old days, i loved waking up every morning and couldn't wait to begin a new day! a new day always promises something exciting and unexpected. now?! unexpected?! of course!! but exciting?! hmmm, only time will tell... guess what i found on the net?
but, at least my sour mood lightened as i went for movie with my friends! we planned to watch duyung but we changed our mind. we watched 10,000 bc instead! not bad, maybe they got some of their historical facts wrong, but the storyline is okay! got pyramids eh during that time? don't think so... next movies on my must watch lists are indiana jones and 27 dresses! wargh, 2 am already.... dreading the moment to finally go to work tomorrow, huhuhuhuhu! wargh, stop those negative thoughts already! think positive... perhaps tomorrow, by any chance, a handsome, rich, kind, eligible bachelor will come to the office and we'll fall in love at first sight... sigh, soooo not gonna happened! morn morn... time to sleep and face another day! good luck and don't forget to smile...
and as scratching my car, no one to blame but myself! second time this month! hoho, i'm one lousy driver! first time, when i wanted to park! just now, when i backed my car! my spatial vision is bad, very bad! i never encountered any accidents while on road, well once but not my fault. the other car kissed my bumper while at a roundabout. but, when trying to park or reverse, i always encounter problems. maybe, it's true what they say about women! we cannot budget certain distance as well as men! but i CAN READ MAPS!!! hehe, i truly can, not bluffing! but, the scratch wasn't so bad!
now, back to my 'bad day' agenda! have you ever felt that when you woke up in the morning and you hated it! you didn't even started your day and yet you already despised it! i'm having that kind of feeling right now. the reason is quite clear, right?! because i hate my job. woah, if i kept saying 'i hate my job', then i will really hate it. i have to say, 'i love my job' instead to train my mind to like it. during the good old days, i loved waking up every morning and couldn't wait to begin a new day! a new day always promises something exciting and unexpected. now?! unexpected?! of course!! but exciting?! hmmm, only time will tell... guess what i found on the net?
but, at least my sour mood lightened as i went for movie with my friends! we planned to watch duyung but we changed our mind. we watched 10,000 bc instead! not bad, maybe they got some of their historical facts wrong, but the storyline is okay! got pyramids eh during that time? don't think so... next movies on my must watch lists are indiana jones and 27 dresses! wargh, 2 am already.... dreading the moment to finally go to work tomorrow, huhuhuhuhu! wargh, stop those negative thoughts already! think positive... perhaps tomorrow, by any chance, a handsome, rich, kind, eligible bachelor will come to the office and we'll fall in love at first sight... sigh, soooo not gonna happened! morn morn... time to sleep and face another day! good luck and don't forget to smile...

No matter how grouchy you're feeling,You'll find the smile more or less healing. It grows in a wreath All around the front teeth -Thus preserving the face from congealing.~ Anthony Euwer
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