Monday, March 10, 2008

MSC Flagship


hehehe, why am i even thinking on writing on this topic?! the answer is... jeng... jeng... jeng... drum roll please! hehe, it's the topic for my basic it assignment. the questions are:
  1. Discuss 5 flagship apllications develop for Multimedia Super Corridor (MSC)?
  2. Discuss the role of Knowledge Development Institute (KDI) which was established to catalyst the human capital development of MSC.
  3. Describe in details "MSC Graduate Trainee Programme" manages by KDI.
well, the questions are straight forward. you can just go to the MSC site and get all the answers there but the problem is you can't copy it all 100%, then it will be plagiarism. i wish i could copy it, but then again i don't want to get 0 mark for my assignment. so, i need to change the words a little bit. in short, the answers are:
  1. E-Government, MyKad, Smart School, Telehealth and Technopreneur Development.
  2. The MSC Malaysia KDi was formed to monitor the supply and demand of K-Workers, develop strategic K-Workers training and development programmes to ensure a sustainable supply of industry-relevant K-Workers and facilitate the enhancement of company profile through the development of their employees with internationally recognized certification.
  3.  MSC Malaysia Graduate Trainee Program (GTP) is for fresh graduates and MSC Malaysia Status companies. Assists fresh graduates to gain industry experience. Encourage MSC Malaysia Status companies to employ fresh graduates.To assist companies reduce cost of inital training. Under the administration of MSC Malaysia K-Workers Development Institute at Multimedia Development Corporation (MDeC).
well, that was the first part. the second part is on Open Source Software (OSS) in the Malaysian Public Sector, manages by MAMPU.
  1. Discuss the role of Open Source Competency Center (OSCC) in encouraging the use of OSS in the Public Sector.
  2. What are the differences between a proprietary software and an open source software.
  3. What are the benefits of implementing OSS solutions in public sector?
  4. Does the implementation of OSS give a positive or negative impact to the Public Sector? State your opinion.
hmmm... i'm still working on this part! hope to finish it before 23 march. otherwise, i'm doomed! really sleepy... need to get my beauty sleep... tomorrow got to work and tomorrow also got plan to watch duyung with my friends after work... can't wait! usually, i don't watch malay movie at cinema, but this time, i'm expecting a different. hope will not get dissapointed! till next time... bubye...
p/s currently studying at open university malaysia...

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