Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Another Raya 2012 Ads ~ Sepasang Baju Kurung

i think i need to apologize for kept posting ads, huhu.. but, as i mentioned before, i couldn't help it.. this ads is about a relationship between a mom and her daughter. sometimes, the daughter treat her mom as if she's a servant. she must do lot of chores around the house and if didn't do it right, she would get scolded by her daughter. since raya is coming soon, she plead to her daughter, to buy her a new baju kurung. the daughter said she would think of it.

so one day, the daughter did bought her mom baju kurung and gave it to her mother. the mother face lights up when she received it. that night, the daughter saw her won daughter slept while hugging her new clothes and it reminded her of her own childhood, where she acted the same. it also reminded her of the motherly love she received. this made her realized her mistake and went to apologize her mom.

i'm really grateful for my own mother. i know i was such a trial to her, being naughty, stubborn so on and so on. i'm also grateful that i came from a middle class family. we may not be rich but we are not poor, alhamdulillah. i remembered i get almost everything i wanted as a kid as long as my parents could afford it and as long as it was not ridiculous. i usually asked them for books. i rarely asked for toys or clothes, hehe.. it's not that i'm not a playful kids, it just i preferred books to toys. but please don't mistaken me as a nerd. i'm far from being one! ;)

ps: i remembered one raya, i wore 'smurfs' baju kurung! i chose the fabrics that was meant to make curtains or bedsheets, to make my baju raya. i remembered my mom and my sisters asked me many many times, if i'm sure about my choice. yup, being stubborn and all, i told them i'm 100% sure. haha, i wore 'curtains/bedsheets' during raya. but i bet, other children were jealous of my baju raya since their parents are sensible enough not to let them wear it. it's not that my parents are not sensible. they just knew that it was a loss cause to put sense into their last daughter's thickheaded mind! :)

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