Friday, August 17, 2012

confessions of a road user

i've been a road user since 2000 after passing the driver license test. it was actually mt third times since i failed the first two, haha.. the first time, i almost hit a lorry while trying to get out from  a junction and the second time, i hit the wall of the driving school's gate! the comments from both examiners is the same that is RECKLESS DRIVER! yup, i think i have to admit that i'm a reckless driver sometimes... and i have a very bad spatial vision not to mention poor sense of direction as well.

but after passing my driving test, i always try to be a careful driver. i always use the indicators. that's why i hate people who doesn't. i'm not a mind reader, so don't expect me to know where you are going if you didn't use the indicator. it's dangerous you know! if it only involved your safety, it's okay. but you involved other innocent people as well! i rarely use my horn. i only use it when it is really necessary. the sound of a horn usually startled me so that's why i didn't use it often as not to startle others. as hard as i am trying to be a good road users, there are a few rules that i kept breaking.
  • speed limit: yup, i usually drive more than the limits allowed especially on the highway. in malaysia, the speed limit of a highway is usually 110km/h. i had two speeding tickets.
  • traffic light: you know when the traffic light turns yellow and we need to slow down in order to stop when red. well, i always speed up before it turns red. and when there is no car around, i simply drive on even when the lights are red, huhu...
  • illegal U turns: as mentioned above, i have a poor sense of direction. so, i have to make a lot of u turns in order to get on the right track again. i even got involved in an accident while making this illegal u turn once.
  • illegal parking: when i'm in a hurry, i usually park at any spot i found convenient eventhough it's disallowed. i always think that i will park there for a short time, so it would not be a problem.
i think the four rules stated above are the rules i usually break. there's a saying,'biar lambat, asal selamat' which mean better slow but safe instead of fast but dangerous. i change that saying into, 'biar cepat DAN selamat' which mean i prefer fast AND safe, hehe... i know it's a bad things to break this road rules since there are there for a safety reason. but, sometimes we couldn't help breaking it especially when we are in a hurry to tend important things.

ps: to all who are going back to hometown this raya, please drive carefully and think of your loved ones. selamat hari raya aidilfitri, maaf zahir dan batin.

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